Monday, December 6, 2010

My New Companion Elder Bennett

Dear Family,

My new companion is Elder Bennett, from Winchester, Virginia! He actually came out with Elder Neff (they've both been out for 6 months). He's got 1 younger brother. He wants to go into animation. He's got Toy Story bedding, and he loves corn dogs. In case you haven't guessed, he's kind of goofy, but I think I'm going to love serving with him :)

I don't know if they told you, but the Johnson's in your ward sent me a very nice package with some goodies in it :) I'm going to send them a thank you note, but feel free to tell them thank you for me in person. That was very thoughtful of them.

The work is going pretty good. We have one investigator, Kim De Ridder, who is preparing to get baptized on her birthday (Dec 19th)! She is really excited about it all. Also, we got someone new this week: Kevin Haines. He and his wife just moved from Tooele, Ut. I thought they were both members because they've been coming to church pretty regularly, but this past week we found out that he wasn't a member yet. So we hurried over there right away to talk to him, and he pretty much said that he wants to be baptized. So we invited him to take the lessons, and we are starting them tomorrow!

Hey do you remember the children's book where there's a roudy class, a teacher who has them set up rules and penalties, then a poor little kid gets in trouble and another kid takes the punishment for him? Kim has 2 sons that are 4 and 6. We gave them some of the church DVD's, which they really like, but they have some questions about why the Atonement was necessary. She asked us for help, and that story came to mind. Is there any way that you could type it up and email it to me? Or if you have another idea of how to explain it to a little kid, that'd be great! Thanks!!!

Dear Benson,
Hey buddy, what's up? How are things going lately? It's not fair because you get to hear how I'm doing via Mom and Dad, but I don't hear much about what's happening in your life. So you gotta fill me in. How's school? How's Savior of the World? How's driving? Are you doing any sports? How's the violin going? (You better still be practicing!) Have you gone on any dates yet? How do you like the farm? How many pushups can you do? How do you like the horse? How much do you miss me? Are you eating your green vegetables? Do you still listen to audio books non-stop? Are you being a good boy? etc... Anyways, I love you tons! See ya!

Elder Craft

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